The dwindling iron and salt resources are under threat as three nations fight for their control
In a complicated plot, where every decision matters, command a team of soldiers as Serenoa. Key choices you make will bolster one of three convictions--Utility, Morality, Liberty--which together make up Serenoa's world view and influence how the story will unfold. Multiple characters can vote on their respective Scales of Conviction when faced with crucial decisions. These moments are crucial because the fate of nationsas well as the continent of Norzelia can be decided by the alliances and choices you make.
Strategically secure victory by controlling multi-tiered battlefields
Turn-based battles are a great way to win the war. To gain greater range and control over the battlefield, position units higher up. For a strong follow-up attack, you can flank your enemies from both sides and strike from behind. Combat is also made possible by elemental chain reactions. You can use heat to melt the iceand then lightning to eliminate it. To see sparks fly, push the enemy in the electrified water.
Reviewed by: my sexgames
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